
How many monthly subscriptions do you have for your entertainment?

Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud (now subscription), Netflix, Amazon Video, Sky Cinema, Play TV etc. etc. The list goes on. Isn't it a bit of a nightmare that everything is on a different platform?

Playster hopes to bring all entertainment under one roof. One monthly subscription, for everything. Music, TV, film, even games and ebooks. The new start-up wants to simplify the way we entertain ourselves, and it sounds like a pretty cool idea. One platform across your phone, TV, laptop, and you could have everything at your fingertips. What's more, they pride themselves on their recommendations, meaning unlimited music & film suggestions whenever you like.

Less complexity, more simplicity. It sounds fantastic. Granted, given the power and size of entities such as Netflix, Amazon & Sky, it's not going to be easy to persaude film & TV producers to give them the rights to their shows, but with a concept as seemingly perfect as this, why not?

Shift over Netflix, you might have some serious competition. Check out their website here.


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